Designed To Enhance Care in Hospital-Based Cardiac Cath Labs and Ambulatory Surgery Centers Alike
Cardiac Cath Lab is the tool to use when your team needs to track key performance metrics and identify opportunities for improvement. It can, in most cases, also satisfy state-mandated evaluation of a Cath lab.
Clinical and technical advancements in this updated version include:
- Consolidated Device Implant Section
- Faster re-Accreditation with new features that allow re-Accrediting facilities to take advantage of new time-saving options:
- Auto-populate key areas of Foundational Information, Contacts, Electronic Health Records
- Porting in supporting documents
- Bypass Essential Components (EC) during Baseline Gap Analysis phase
- Attestation of EC in the application phase
- Greater alignment with other procedural service lines for sites pursuing more than one ACC procedural accreditation
- Addition of guidelines from ACC campaigns such as Reduce the Risk: PCI Bleed
- Facility procedure volume tracking to meet state department of health requests
- Enhanced Shared Practices library
- Enhanced guideline criteria for sites implementing same-day PCI discharge
- And important updates:
- for sites without onsite cardiothoracic surgery
- for sites that perform device implants
- to radiation safety and infection control standards
Cardiac Cath Lab Accreditation is an operational model that merges the latest science and process improvement across the Cardiac Cath Lab. Initiating an accreditation program can help you implement all the pre-, peri-, and post-procedures that are essential to the safe care and efficient scheduling of patients through the cath lab. Participation in the NCDR CathPCI Registry® or CV ASC Registry Suite™ is a requirement for all Cardiac Cath Lab Accreditation designations.
Learn why setting strategic goals for Same Day Discharge and Inventory Management are among the many reasons why hospitals seek Cardiac Cath Lab Accreditation.
Potential Cost Savings For Your Facility

> In this very brief video, Robert Bunney, MBA-HM, BSN, RN-BC, AACC demos our Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Same-Day Discharge Calculator. This calculator will help you identify the potential cost savings for you facility each year when you increase your rate of same-day discharge while maintaining the quality care you deliver.
On-Demand Cardiac Cath Lab Webinars
Want to learn more about the benefits of Cardiac Cath Lab Accreditation? Our service line specialists have recorded informational webinars that provide an overview of key accreditation topics and explain how your steps toward process improvement can provide valuable insight into the performance and management of a goal-driven CV service line.
There are two types of designations for Cardiac Cath Lab Accreditation. Each is based on a facility's treatment capabilities and strategies.
- Cardiac Cath Lab Accreditation: for facilities performing diagnostic catheterizations.
- Cardiac Cath Lab Accreditation with PCI: for facilities performing diagnostic catheterizations and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) procedures.
CCLis the result of diligent work by leading interventional cardiologists and cath lab administrators. It incorporates the ACC/SCAI* Consensus Document for Catheterization Laboratory Standards and other evidence-based science with quality initiatives.
Cardiac Cath Lab Accreditation applies a holistic approach to the assessment, treatment, and management of patients receiving cath lab services.
* American College of Cardiology/Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions
Each facility that begins Cardiac Cath Lab Accreditation is assigned an expert navigator to assist them along the accreditation journey. ACC's Accreditation Review Specialists are highly dedicated clinicians with real-world experience treating cardiovascular (CV) patients in the hospital setting. Individually and collectively, they are an indispensable resource for those who are committed to implementing the essential elements of quality improvement.
Accreditation training prepares facilities to begin the quality and process improvement journey. Each ACC Accreditation includes comprehensive education to orient your staff to the fundamental elements of the accreditation process.
Note: The Accreditation purchase process (including ACC business agreement and payment for initial year of Accreditation participation or recurring annual payment) must be completed in order to gain access to the Accreditation tool and related training. Please contact accreditationinfo@acc.org for more information.
The American Collège of Cardiology's 2012 Guidelines and the most current SCAI Expert Consensus Update (2021 Best Practices in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory) are the foundation of the Cardiac Cath Lab Accreditation tool.
All of the components of this accreditation along with the NCDR CathPCI metrics used in the accreditation process are designed to help facilities improve their care of Cath Lab patients across the care continuum.

"It’s an honor and privilege to represent my peers in the cath lab in this accreditation process, as we collaborate with other departments to adapt policies and procedures,” says Jennifer Bruso. Michael Carney adds, “Collectively, we have a stronger voice because of the accreditation process.”
Jennifer Bruso, RN, and Michael P. Carney, RN - Co-leaders of CCL Accreditation at Lahey Hospital and Medical Center, Burlington, MA