Benefits Of EMS Partner In Care Recognition Program FAQs
Following are commonly asked questions about the benefits of participating in the EMS Partner in Care Recognition program. 
Anna Ek, BSN, RN, AACC
Accreditation Review Specialist
A: Long ago, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) were considered a ride to the hospital, but no longer. EMS’ level of expertise in the Pre-hospital setting should be recognized a great value to patient care, outcomes, preparation of the patients for the Emergency Department (ED) and Cath Lab. There is a decreased time to treatment for heart attacks when the patient, family or friends activate EMS. They can obtain, transmit and interpret the 12-lead ECG prior to leaving the home. EMS activates the Cath Lab team and Interventional Cardiologist prior to arrival, so they may return to the hospital, if after hours and prepare for the patient’s arrival for the Percutaneous Cardiac Intervention (PCI) procedure. EMS protocols lessen time in the ED, when appropriate, bypassing the ED altogether for the Cath Lab. Decreased time to reperfusion means better outcomes, decreased length of stay, fewer readmissions, and increased patient satisfaction scores. This has a halo effect in bringing patients back to hospitals for other services.
Given the opportunity to meet with many EMS providers all over the country, we have witnessed their willingness to go the extra mile if it means what is best for the patient. EMS participate in community education, screenings, and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training events. The education of the community increases EMS appropriate activations, earlier treatment, and better outcomes for the community they serve. When embraced as the start of the patient care continuum, community health improves and by inviting EMS to participate in hospital meetings, providing EMS with guideline recommendations, the entire care continuum improves. Celebrations of successful resuscitations educate the public and recognize the role of EMS. Patients treated earlier in their events and disease process have decreased heart failure and arrhythmias. Bystander CPR improves cardiac arrest outcomes. EMS technology, training and treatment protocols are impressive and need to be recognized outside of the EMS world. It is time they get the respect from other healthcare entities, and we are proud to recognize EMS.

Rebecca (Beckie) Vickers, BSN, RN
Accreditation Review Specialist
A. Undoubtedly Emergency Medical Services (EMS) agencies are instrumental in the pre-hospital patient care and treatment impacting patient outcomes. As a Chest Pain Coordinator prior to joining the ACC, I had the privilege of working closely with our local EMS. Their desire to provide the best patient care was evident through various activities such as involvement within the community, professional development, and review of protocols and processes specifically surrounding cardiac patients.
Recognizing the important role EMS plays not only in the community but within health care systems is undeniable. The ACC’s EMS Partner in Care is a significant way hospitals can promote the commitment and dedication of their primary EMS system. Through this recognition, EMS receives a unique Chest Pain Center Partner in Care seal that corresponds to the hospital’s Chest Pain Center Accreditation or Certification seal. The facility and EMS will be given graphics to highlight their participation.
The opportunity to showcase to the community the valuable collaboration between the hospital and EMS communicates that together they are delivering best practice in patient care. Personally, it would be reassuring to see an EMS vehicle drive down the street with an ACC Chest Pain Center Partner in Care seal on the side of the vehicle, knowing they are dedicated to providing the best care to all members in our community.