Submit Quality Improvement Projects to JACC: Case Reports
Do you participate in a registry? Are you working on an accreditation performance improvement/quality improvement project? Have you submitted an abstract or are working on a grant funded initiative?
Showcase the work that you are already doing on quality or performance improvement projects by authoring an article in JACC: Case Reports.
The journal promotes clinical care delivery cases and clinical problem solving in an online, open access format. Articles are immediately and permanently available for everyone to read and download without cost. JACC: Case Reports is fully indexed on PubMed Central. By meeting some simple manuscript requirements, you can take the work you are already doing and earn recognition through publication.
Using the format below, submit a case report today!

- Word count: no more than 1500 words (text from after the abstract to the conclusion, including references and figure titles/legends)
- Authors: Maximum 10
- References: Maximum 10
- Take-home Messages: Required, maximum 2-3 sentences (not counted towards the 1,500-word count)
- Figure/Table Limit: Maximum 10, one of which should be a Visual Summary
- Visual Summary: One of the following: 1) a timeline of the project so the readers can clearly understand the progression from project initiation to conclusion, or 2) a figure summarizing the article and Take-home Messages
- Abstract: (Maximum 150 words). Abstracts are not included in the above word count. Please follow the format below:
- Background
- Project Rationale
- Project Summary
- Take-home Messages: 1-2 sentences maximum
- Supplemental Material: Unlimited number of supplemental figures, tables, and videos.
- Videos: Maximum 10, each video of maximum duration of 5 minutes
- Video Summary (Optional, but highly encouraged). Similar to the Case Video Summary but includes a mini-review of the topic
- Title: 15 words or less. Hyphenated words count as a single word, and single terms comprising 2 words also count as a single word (i.e., de novo, in situ, in vivo, ex vivo).
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Case Summary prompting the project launch, if applicable
- Project Rationale
- Project Description
- Project Deliverables
- Project Outcome, Impact and Future Directions/Next Steps
- Discussion
- Conclusions
- Take-home Messages
- References
- Visual Summary, with the above format