Quality Improvement for Institutions

Clinical Toolkits

These easy-to-use tools will help you to implement guidelines-based and best practice care, and address common clinical issues at your facility.

Publish Research

Showcase the work that you are already doing on quality or performance improvement projects by authoring an article in JACC: Case Reports.

Shared Decision-Making

Shared Decision-Making is an essential part of the clinician-patient relationship, improving accuracy of the patient's risk perception and clinician satisfaction.

QI Toolkit

Implement quality patient care at your facility with checklists, reminders, and other tools to address common quality improvement issues.

QI Communications Kit

Implement resources to showcase your hospital's commitment to quality, to staff, and to the community.

Advance Care Planning Toolkit

Implement tools to help the cardiovascular care team consistently integrate advance care planning in the outpatient setting for all patients.

PCI Bleeding Risk Checklist

Implement tools to decrease the risk of bleeding complications after percutaneous coronary procedures.

D2B Strategic Tools

Implement tools for improving organizational culture, reducing D2B times using specific evidence-based strategies, and data monitoring and feedback.

H2H Toolkits

Implement tools designed to help facilities improve care transitions from hospital to "home" and reduce risk of federal penalties associated with high readmission rates.

Surviving MI Toolkit

Implement tools to lower 30-day risk stratified mortality rates and improve organizational culture for patients hospitalized with AMI.

Patient Navigator Toolkit

Implement tools to avoid hospital readmissions by implementing evidence-based quality improvement strategies.

QI Tools for Outpatient Practices

Practices participating in the PINNACLE Registry can implement these tools to improve quality in their facilities, in the areas  of early follow up, patient education, communication and stroke prevention.

ACC Guideline Clinical App

Download this free mobile app to access clinical guideline content and tools for clinicians caring for patients with cardiovascular disease.

ACC CathPCI Bleeding Risk Calculator App

Access this free web app to assess individualized patient risk of experiencing a bleeding event associated with a PCI procedure.

ASCVD Risk Estimator Plus

The updated ASCVD Risk Estimator Plus uses recent science and user feedback to help a clinician and patient build a customized risk lowering plan by estimating and monitoring change in 10 year ASCVD risk.

ACC Statin Intolerance App

Download this free mobile app to access clinical guideline content and tools for clinicians managing and treating patients who report muscle symptoms while on statin therapy.

AnticoagEvaluator App

Download this easy and fast tool to assess stroke and bleeding risk in patients at your facility, and identify the benefits and risks of antithrombotic therapy in patients with non-valvular chronic atrial fibrillation.

Preventing Preventable Strokes Toolkit

The Preventing Preventable Strokes Toolkit provides evidence-based quality improvement tools intended to help clinicians identify barriers related to AF treatment and implement best practice strategies for preventing preventable strokes.

Professional Data Portfolio App

The app also offers the Education Credit Tracker system, centralizing a participant's education requirement information and provides a platform to automate the information and see them regularly over the course of their credit cycle.

CardioSmart Heart Explorer App

Download this free app, designed to help effectively review and discuss common heart problems and treatment options with patients, with the goal of furthering the clinician/patient relationship at the point of care.

TreatHF App

TreatHF helps clinicians confirm which therapies are suggested for their symptomatic heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction (stage C HFrEF) and provides guidance on the use of each therapy.

Systems of Care Toolkit

This toolkit provides resources to assist in the development and improvement of multi-organizational regional time sensitive care coalitions.

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American College of Cardiology: 2400 N St. NW, Washington DC 20006