Promote Your Achievement and Build Awareness
Step 1: Announce Your Accreditation
In addition to announcing your accreditation to the general public, don't forget your internal audience. Below are examples of communications for use with internal and external audiences. Remember to spread the good news through your organization’s intranet, in the hospital newsletter, in emails, on bulletin boards, signs, elevators doors, and posters in staff and EMS lounges.
Consider using this example to create an internal congratulations message:
Thanks to the efforts of our expert Accreditation Team, (Your Facility Name) is one step closer to beating heart disease in (name of area/region/locale). That’s right! (Your Facility Name) received full accreditation from the American College of Cardiology on (mm/dd/yyyy).
Thanks to (name the team members) for their dedicated focus, extra hours, teamwork and collaboration with the ACC Accreditation Services team to gain this outstanding recognition.What does this mean? We have integrated evidence-based science, quality initiatives, clinical best-practices, and the latest medical guidelines into our cardiovascular care processes.
Our (type of CV disease or procedure – such as heart failure or transcatheter valve replacement) patients will receive state-of-the-art care. Please recognize the accreditation team for their hard work and congratulations to all for making continuous improvement possible.
Consider this example:
We’re pleased to announce that (Name of Facility) received (Type of Accreditation) from the American College of Cardiology (ACC) on (mm/dd/yyyy). This means (Name of Facility) used the ACC’s accreditation process improvement tools to bridge gaps and integrate evidence-based science, quality initiatives, clinical best-practices, and the latest medical guidelines into our cardiovascular care processes for (acute coronary syndrome, heart failure and/or atrial fibrillation) patients.
We’ve been working to provide our patients with state-of-the-art cardiovascular care during that critical window of time (such as symptom-to-balloon) when we can preserve the integrity of the heart muscle intact. This is another step in our continuing efforts
to optimize the care and outcomes of patients.
Special thanks to the accreditation team and congratulations to all for making continuous improvement possible.
Get people talking about your CV service lines by telling the world about your accreditation achievements. Inform your loyal followers on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn about the strides you’re making in quality care, patient outcomes, and patient satisfaction.
We've created an online Social Media Kit to help you get started.
And don’t forget to follow us, too!
Announce your accreditation to the media: Send a news release to your local news and/or business publications. Consider holding a press conference to announce your accreditation status and field questions about the value of being accredited.
Find examples of news releases for each accreditation service line on our website under the "Promoting an ACC Accreditation" section on:
Send notification to all doctors’ offices affiliated with your facility, office managers of practices that have doctors and nurses affiliated with your facility, all staff doctors and nurses, and all EMS systems affiliated with your facility (see example for Chest Pain Center Accreditation below).
Also consider adding a flyer to recruitment materials for doctors and nurses, establishing and maintaining a relationship with local EMS, asking EMS to assign a liaison to your facility, and conduct ACS seminars formedical professionals.
- Inform the Visitors and Conventions Bureau of your accreditation status — make it easy for all visitors to know about your accreditation status
- Educate the general public on signs and symptoms of a heart attack, heart failure, or atrial fibrillation
- Update your email signature to include your accreditation seal
- Update all signs used by your facility, including those used at trade shows and conferences