Make Accreditation Part of Your Heart Care Message
Don't let your accreditation, be your facility's best kept secret. Once you've achieved a CV Accreditation from the American College of Cardiology, it's time to build an awareness campaign about your accreditation status. Provided here are many examples of how to promote your accomplishment with your various stakeholder audiences.
Accreditation means your facility has a competitive advantage through an enhanced reputation for delivering cardiovascular patient care, including:
- Better care
- Better prognoses
- Better quality of life
- Faster treatment
- Better communication
Your facility sought accreditation to:
- Improve patient outcomes
- Boost CMS quality-of-care measures
- Decrease lengths-of-stayImprove emergency department throughput
- Streamline processes across departments
- Make a positive impact on the bottom line
- Enhance EMS relationships
Now make the most of your accreditation status. Promoting your accreditation will raise public awareness about heart disease and what to do in case of a cardiac emergency.
Please consider all three of the suggested steps below in order to communicate the success of your accreditation program.
1. Announce your accreditation. Give me ideas.
- Tell your employees
- Tell the media
- Tell the medical community
- Tell the general public
2. Make accreditation part of your facility’s brand identity. Tell me how.
- Include the accreditation seal on all cardiovascular care messaging in the media, on marketing materials, email communications, and on your website
- Include the phrase, “Accredited ________”
- Incorporate benefits of being an accredited facility
3. After your initial announcement, make accreditation part of your ongoing messaging about the quality of your facility’s cardiovascular patient care. Build greater awareness.
Once you’ve earned your accreditation, we will send the coordinator of your accreditation program:
- Your certificate of accreditation or certification
- Information about how to download:
- Accreditation/Certification seals/graphic files to promote your accreditation or certification
- Sample social media graphics and messages for Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter
- Links to sample news release that you may customize to announce your accreditation
And remember, there's plenty of great information you can share about Early Heart Attack Care (EHAC).
Finally, know that above all, we truly appreciate your commitment to transforming cardiovascular care.
As part of our cooperative and collaborative association, ACC would like to share the important news about your accomplishment in various communications vehicles and via social media. You may send “links” to your published accreditation news to:
Instructions about how to download the ACC accreditation seal(s) you've earned is provided with the certificate you received for your accreditation. If you have questions about the graphic image files, please use the Contact Us Form.
Please visit the EHAC online store where you can purchase Early Heart Attack Care™ (EHAC®) materials that may add value to your educational and outreach programs such as health fairs and other community events.