Interested in Joining a Registry?
Already an NCDR Participant?
Harness the Power of Data to Support Patient Care
The AFib Ablation Registry now includes an enhanced data collection tool, offering the option of highly sought-after follow-up data, the ability to track cutting-edge technologies and metrics to keep your practice in line with the latest guidelines.
The AFib Ablation Registry™ assesses the prevalence, demographics, acute management and outcomes of patients undergoing atrial fibrillation (AFib) catheter ablation procedures. Its data supports the development of evidence-based guidelines for AFib treatments that will improve patient outcomes.
AFib Ablation Registry participants can now use the VIBRANT-AF Tool. Sites will have access to repeated and real-time patient-reported outcomes provided directly by patients using the mobile app. No IRB approval is needed to participate. Baseline procedural NCDR data will be linked with longitudinal follow up data. Sites can access linked data and track effectiveness and complications of atrial fibrillation (AFib) procedures for patients undergoing atrial fibrillation ablations. Contact vibrantaf@ucsf.edu if you are interested or have questions.
Benefits of Participation
- Receive decision-making information that includes:
- Patient demographics for atrial fibrillation ablation procedures
- Procedure prevalence and acute management approaches
- Provider and facility characteristics
- History/risk factors
- Device utilization and adverse event rates
- Data will support the development of evidence-based guidelines for atrial fibrillation treatments
- Meet state requirements that have adopted the AFib Ablation Registry as their state-level measurement and reporting source.
- Highlight your hospital on ACC's patient website, CardioSmart.org, where patients and caregivers use the Find Your Heart a Home tool for information on cardiovascular services.
- Take advantage of the NCDR's free, online data collection tool, or retain the option to choose among nine certified vendors to automate data.
- Stay current on the latest NCDR research publications, providing valuable insight on the delivery and outcomes of cardiovascular care provided by AFib Ablation Registry participants.
- Unlimited, free access to ACC's Quality Improvement for Institutions campaigns and toolkits that help measure care and achieve quality improvement goals.
- Have your facility be recognized in the ACC advertising insert in the U.S. News & World Report "Best Hospitals" guidebook. Every year the ACC recognizes more than 2,000 hospitals participating in the NCDR and/or ACC Accreditation Services that are committed to quality and process improvement.
- Using the largest cardiovascular repository, NCDR's robust datasets provide you an opportunity to research and answer critical questions on the delivery and outcomes of cardiovascular health care.
The AFib Ablation Registry supports a variety of data entry and submission options, including a complimentary online data collection tool or data collection through a certified third-party software vendor. View the list of certified software vendors. The entire NCDR registry suite uses standardized, evidence-based data elements and definitions.
AFib Ablation Registry Data Collection Form
AFib Ablation Registry Data Coder's Dictionary
Facility Level Dashboard empowers healthcare teams to make strategic decisions with:
- Data refreshed weekly.
- Customizable insights.
- National quarterly risk-adjusted benchmarked outcomes.
Professional Level Dashboard for Facilities provides performance data for individual healthcare professionals with:
- Quarterly performance data on patient outcomes and treatment efficiency.
- Insights for evidence-based decision-making.
- National quarterly benchmarked outcomes compared to healthcare professionals.
Professional Level Dashboard for Professionals uniquely empowers individual healthcare professionals with:
- ACC.org and Professional Data Portfolio App access to unique confidential data.
- Individual provider performance evaluation across multiple participating facilities.
NCDR eReports enables operational efficiency for health systems in supporting quality improvement initiatives with:
- Consolidated NCDR data across all participating facilities in the health system.
- Customizable internal market analysis.
The AFib Ablation Registry fully supports the data requirements for ACC's Electrophysiology Accreditation.
- Electrophysiology Accreditation: Advance your EP program by creating standardized workflows to decrease variability, improving processes to reduce cost, and creating a more efficient lab. This program links the latest science, process improvement methodologies and patient outcomes across the care continuum for patients undergoing treatment in the EP Lab. It incorporates recent guidelines and expert consensus statements by recognized professional organizations regarding the care of the electrophysiology patient.
- Attend the annual ACC Quality Summit. Network with colleagues, experience exceptional education sessions, and access ePosters that highlight how participants use NCDR and Accreditation Services data to improve patient care, processes, and quality initiatives.
- The QII Learning Center is an online education tool offered to ensure you get the most out of the registries, Accreditations and quality improvement tools and programs available.
- Leverage clinical resources through our Clinical Solution Sets and mobile apps to support your everyday practice.
The University of California San Francisco (UCSF) is recruiting participants for the VIBRANT-AF Study. Enrolled AFib Ablation Registry sites are eligible to have their patients participate in this study that will:
- Identify clinically relevant predictors of effectiveness and complications of atrial fibrillation (AF) procedures in a prospective, multi-center real-world longitudinal study
- Assess how changes in modifiable lifestyle-related exposures influence effectiveness of AF ablation.
- Determine the incidence and predictors of a rare but lethal complication of AF ablation procedures, atrioesophageal fistula.
Potential benefits to sites:
- Repeated and real-time patient-reported outcomes provided directly by participants via the EUREKA mobile app
- Ability to link baseline NCDR data of study patients with longitudinal follow-up data via the EUREKA mobile app
- Data can be connected to various devices, including smartphone (HealthKit) data, personal ECG device data (such as KardiaMobile and Apple Watch data)
- Spanish available, providing the ability to capture the experience of this often under-represented group
What does this involve for my site?
- UCSF has made this as seamless as possible for sites
- Sites that are interested will receive postcards printed with individual study IDs to hand out to their AF ablation patients
- Sites will enter the unique study ID for each patient in the AFib Ablation Registry Research Study Patient ID field
- Interested patients will follow instructions on the postcard to download the EUREKA mobile app
- All study consent and additional data collection will occur via the mobile app
Please email vibrantaf@ucsf.edu or call 415-547-0356 if you are interested or have any questions. Emailing does not obligate you to join but will provide more information about this study. Informational video conference and/or phone call will be available for interested sites.

Afib Ablation Registry
Read the Latest Afib Ablation Registry Based Research