Quality Improvement for Institutions

CV ASC Registry Suite

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Monitoring the quality of cardiac procedures performed in ambulatory settings is a priority for today's health care providers. Participate in this first-of-its-kind registry suite that seamlessly fits into the ambulatory workflow. Plus, receive a 15% discount for any ASC that executes a contract in 2024. Contact us at ncdr@acc.org to learn more.

Insights for Cardiac Procedures Performed in the Ambulatory Setting

For more than 25 years, NCDR has set the bar for innovation and excellence in clinical data registries. NCDR's CV ASC Registry Suite is the first-of-its kind to easily provide data-driven insights on cardiac procedures performed in the ambulatory setting. This tool is built to fit easily into the established Ambulatory workflow and closely intersect with the existing NCDR CathPCI Registry and EP Device Implant Registry respectively. Any non-hospital facility currently performing procedures such as diagnostic cardiac catheterization, percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI), defibrillator and pacemaker implants will be able to use this easy-to-use solution for measuring patient care and outcomes.

  • Measure patient care and outcomes that ensure patients are receiving the right care, at the right time, in the right setting.
  • Benchmark your facilities care and compare outcomes with similar facilities.
  • Display ongoing commitment to evidence-based care delivery and quality improvement.
  • Highlight your facility on ACC's patient website, CardioSmart.org, where patients and caregivers use the Find Your Heart a Home tool for information on cardiovascular services.
  • Stay current on the latest NCDR research publications, providing valuable insight on the delivery and outcomes of cardiovascular care provided.
  • Unlimited, free access to ACC's Quality Improvement for Institutions toolkits and quality improvement resources that help measure care and achieve quality improvement goals.
  • Have your facility be recognized in the ACC advertising insert in the U.S. News & World Report "Best Hospitals" guidebook. Every year the ACC recognizes more than 2,000 hospitals participating in the NCDR and/or ACC Accreditation Services that are committed to quality and process improvement.
  • Using the largest cardiovascular repository, NCDR's robust datasets provide you with the opportunity to research and answer critical questions on the delivery and outcomes of cardiovascular health care.

Registry Reports:

  • The CV ASC User Dashboard online portal provides executive summary metrics that offers big-picture reviews, at-a-glance assessments, and patient level drilldowns.
  • A weekly dashboard refresh helps you see how your facility is trending, highlights areas for improvements in real-time.
  • National benchmarks are updated quarterly.
  • Access our experienced cardiovascular nurses for one-to-one support.
  • Receive a complimentary registration to attend the annual ACC Quality Summit. Network with colleagues, experience exceptional education sessions, and access ePosters that highlight how participants use NCDR and Accreditation Services data to improve patient care, processes, and quality initiatives.
  • Stay current with the QII Learning Center. It is an online education resource to ensure you get the most out of the registries, Accreditations and quality improvement tools and programs available. Plus, it offers opportunities for complimentary CE credit.
  • Leverage clinical resources through our Clinical Solution Sets and mobile apps to support your everyday practice.

ACC Quality Summit | Register Today!

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American College of Cardiology: 2400 N St. NW, Washington DC 20006