Quality Improvement for Institutions

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Achieve High-Value Care Delivery With Cost, Quality and Outcomes Data 

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A better understanding of variations in total cost of care for PCI, when evaluated against related quality of care measures in the CathPCI Registry,®​ may help facilities improve the value of care delivery. As the first step to providing cost transparency, the ACC and FAIR Health, a convener of claims data, have developed a report, The Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Cost of Care Study. The report is now available to CathPCI Registry participating sites. 

Cost data report files include: 

  • Your facility’s PCI Cost of Care Study report
  • The FAIR Health data dictionary
  • A guide to help you import data files to Excel

The data include:

  • Place of Service data
  • Risk Score Group data 
  • Total Cost of Care Benchmark data
  • Total Cost of Care by facility NPI data

Access Your Facility’s Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Cost of Care Study

Please find The Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Cost of Care Study artifacts on the private “File Delivery” page by logging into NCDR and selecting the following: CathPCI/Reports/File Delivery.

The ACC partnered with FAIR Health to benchmark the average total cost of care for cardiac catheterization with elective and non-elective percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI), using FAIR Health’s longitudinal database of commercial insurance for the facilities that participate in the CathPCI Registry®​.  The data was also tested for quality control with data validation tests and recognized methods to identify and exclude statistical outliers. 


The study aims to help facilities better understand the total cost of care in their environment, which can help to identify opportunities to address cost of care while also optimizing outcomes through quality improvement efforts.

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American College of Cardiology: 2400 N St. NW, Washington DC 20006