Quality Improvement for Institutions

Registry Partners


Registry Partners' proven model for clinical registry management revolves around an emphasis on partnership and quality. Our solutions focus on customization and transparency. The partnerships offered by Registry Partners are dictated and tailored to meet each hospital's particular needs, ranging from registry abstraction and management, to quality consulting and accreditation services, to whole health system centralization and standardization.

Registry Partners can assist in alleviating the continually revolving pressures of resource allocation, meeting deadlines, obtaining registry expertise, and maintaining quality initiatives so your team can focus on delivering quality patient care. With an expansive network of cardiovascular registry expertise from across the nation, our team can facilitate solutions across the entire ACC suite. Visit the Registry Partners website to learn more about our partnerships, see the complete list of registries we can support, and connect with a Registry Solutions Advisor to help design a custom solution to meet your specific needs.

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American College of Cardiology: 2400 N St. NW, Washington DC 20006