Quality Improvement for Institutions

10 Ways to Improve Cardiovascular Care With the ACC Quality Improvement for Institutions Program

Improving the quality of cardiovascular care can be daunting, even for facilities at the top of the quality continuum. The American College of Cardiology’s Quality Improvement for Institutions program delivers 10 proven ways to decrease treatment variances, improve guideline adherence, and improve patient outcomes at any facility:

  1. The National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR®), the nation’s preeminent suite of cardiovascular data registries, offering clinical data capture and national benchmark reporting on catheter-based interventions, ICD implantations, acute coronary syndrome, congenital heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, hypertension, and atrial fibrillation.
  2. Proven quality improvement tools that can be used individually or collectively to ensure quality, appropriate care, and improve patient outcomes.
  3. NCDR’s registry-specific dashboards comparing an individual facility’s performance to national benchmarks.
  4. Participation in ACC quality initiatives —including Hospital to Home (H2H), Surviving MI, and the Door-to-Balloon (D2B) Alliance—that disseminate evidence-based strategies and promote the sharing of best practices with the goal of closing known gaps in care.
  5. Immediate updates on innovations in quality improvement and advances in cardiovascular medicine via ACC newsletters, news feeds, and more.
  6. Facility Promotion Tools, including print ads, sample press release, newsletter articles, and a digital ACC logo, to help publicize your quality improvement commitment to staff, patients, and the surrounding community.
  7. Opportunity to participate in voluntary public reporting and access to innovative pilot programs, such as Patient Navigator.
  8. Unlimited on-demand access for all members of your cardiac care team via one convenient website.
  9. Membership in a nationwide community that shares a commitment to improving quality and provides opportunities for online collaboration.
  10. Knowledge that this groundbreaking program was developed by a trusted resource — the American College of Cardiology.

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American College of Cardiology: 2400 N St. NW, Washington DC 20006