Quality Improvement for Institutions

Surviving MI


Patient Navigator Program: Focus MI

Data Challenge

B19114 Patient Navigator Data Challenge Graphics-SQUARE

The data you collect through ACC's Patient Navigator Program: Focus MI plays a crucial role in reducing readmission rates and improving outcomes – not only at your own hospital and/or within your health system but at hospitals and institutions across the country. Take part in the Patient Navigator Program: Focus MI Data Challenge for a chance to benefit even further from your data collection efforts.

Make sure to enter your data for the first quarter, as well as the second quarter by Sept. 3.

The first 20 Patient Navigator Program: Focus MI hospitals to complete entering their data for both quarters, and that comply with the data entry requirements specified by ACCF*, will each receive one iPad for the hospital’s use. In addition, the hospitals will be featured in an ad in Cardiology Magazine.

*Key Requirements:  

  1. Baseline data has to be collected and submitted.
  2. Quarterly data has to be at least 90% complete.

To find out more about the Patient Navigator Program: Focus MI, click here.

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American College of Cardiology: 2400 N St. NW, Washington DC 20006