Quality Improvement for Institutions



ACPC Quality Network Shared Best Practices

This page is available to all Adult Congenital & Pediatric Cardiology Quality Network Sites to share tools, resources, and other quality improvement strategies related to the ACPC Quality Network metrics or quality improvement activities. The purpose of this site is to encourage and allow sharing of quality improvement tools, practices and processes developed by participants to improve care. Facilities and teams are encouraged to provide materials that have evidence supporting their value.

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ACC will periodically conduct an assessment to ensure that the Shared Best Practices materials support the use and intention of Shared Best Practices page. If there is any question about the material, ACC will contact the owner. ACC reserves the right to decline posting of any material that is inconsistent with ACC practices or any material that infringes the rights of any third party. Have a best practice to share? Submit your shared facility practice.

Questions about the ACPC Quality Network, please email acpcqnet@acc.org

Shared Practice

Boston Children's Hospital

Elevated BMI (metric #002)
Genetic testing in TOF (metric  #020)

We formed multidisciplinary working groups, appointed physician and nurse champions to lead the planning of change strategies, and collaborated with quality improvement specialists, dieticians, parents, experts in the fields of preventive cardiology and cardiac genetics,  and information technologists.

Data review was used to drive iterative change and inform intervention strategies. QI efforts began with staff education about the metrics. A patient education sheet was developed around meaning of elevated BMI and suggestions for management; the sheet was made available for distribution to patients and parents in clinic. Nurses and clinical assistants were recruited to improve clinician recognition of patients with elevated BMI and to aid in distribution of educational materials.

Information technology assisted in making BMI percentile an accessible variable for download and electronically linking the patient education sheet to the medical record for ease of access and future referencing. With the help of information technologists, historic genetic labs were made easily visible within the active patient chart. Along with staff education about the metric, cardiac genetics colleagues created a "talking points" handout for providers to aid in the discussion of 22q11.2 deletion testing with patients; the handout was circulated via email and made available in all clinics.

Lastly, a simultaneous initiative was underway among our colleagues in general genetics to create a "genetics narrative" for all patients in their care. The genetics narrative was made available by electronic link to the cardiology documentation system.

Counseling for elevated BMI was highly variable with continued opportunity for improvement, although later quarters of performance show an optimistic trend with QI efforts. Improved documentation of genetic testing in TOF was seen simply by enhanced search for historic genetic labs, though chart audit in the latter quarters noted an uptick in clinician discussion of genetic assessment. Some resistance to testing remains for teenage patients in whom the genetic abnormality is not suspected by the clinician, accounting for the plateau in our performance around  85%.
  • Heart Healthy education sheets and BMI education sheet for patients/families
  • Genetic testing talking points handout for  providers

Temp Styles

American College of Cardiology: 2400 N St. NW, Washington DC 20006