Quality Improvement for Institutions

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See You in 7

The goal of the H2H SY7 Challenge is for all patients discharged with a diagnosis of HF/AMI to have a follow-up appointment scheduled/cardiac rehab referral made within 7 days of hospital discharge.

H2H on the Local Level

With heart failure (HF) readmissions for Medicare patients in southeast Michigan surpassing the national average of 24.4 percent in 2010, the ACC’s Michigan Chapter decided to take the problem head on by joining together with Michigan’s Quality Improvement Organization, MPRO, and the Great Detroit Area Health Council to form the Southeast Michigan “See You in 7” Hospital Collaborative. The goal: increase the number of follow-up appointments scheduled within seven days of discharge by implementing lessons learned from ACC’s Hospital to Home (H2H) early follow-up challenge, “See You in 7.”

See You in 7 Blog Archive

A Look at Trends in Cardiovascular Hospitalizations and Outcomes
Fine-Tuning Readmission Reduction Strategies to Improve Patient Care
H2H “See You in 7” Tools Updated for Cardiac Rehab Awareness Week
Integrated Care: The Writing is on the Great Wall
Lessons Learned From Implementing a Readmissions Reduction Program
Overcoming Challenges to Reduce Readmissions
Reducing Readmissions: A Success Story

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American College of Cardiology: 2400 N St. NW, Washington DC 20006